Monday, October 27, 2003

today is my *friday* -- got the next 4 days off. hmm -- what am i to do??? it appears that dulles is hurting staff-wise again. i have some recurrent training module to complete now. hopefully i can complete it here while i'm in syracuse. i love my old station, but i really don't want to go back there unless i really have to.

started work early today at 4am. normally, i have major issues waking up that early, but i did it with relative ease. there was a major mishap on the ramp today. here in syracuse, they use a business partner to assist with the ramp services and confusion erupted. one of the skycaps took a look over through the window and just saw the entire crew just scurrying around looking confused. the pilot got quite irritated and i think we incurred a delay because of them. it was all a comedy of errors really. nothing shouldn't have happened because the crew today wasn't exactly *new*. either way, i'm sure some heads are going to roll because of this.

i get off around noon. i'll probably take a nap -- maybe i'll hop on a plane and go somewhere. we'll see. :-)


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