Monday, November 24, 2003

way too much going on with me ...

wanted to get a head start on my *long weekend* from work and attempted to get on a flight immediately after work on saturday. was able to hitch a ride on airtran but had a hellacious day at the ticket counter. we were short staffed -- my boss came in late and an alternate person from fort lauderdale never came in at all! that left myself and another local crewmember basically working the ticket counter ourselves. working hard isn't an issue per se, but when you're short staffed and have to work around the local geography of the airport (1.5 miles from the ticket counter to the gate area) -- it can get pretty stressfull and intense. as a result -- a 45 minute check-in cut off is imposed which is almost always stretched to the limit. when we finally could not take any more people, up come more customers with tons of bags expecting to be checked in an boarded on a flight in less than 30 minutes. it's just logistically and practically impossible if we want to attempt an on-time departure! people just end up getting REAL ghetto and mean and you're stuck there trying to deal with it all in as a professional manner as possible. it all worked out tho. we closed up and i immediately got changed and went off to take my flight to san francisco. since i got to work early that morning, i didn't sleep the night before (you try getting into work at 3:30 am!). once i sat down in my seat, i was knocked out!!! i think i woke up maybe twice on the 5 hour flight over. once we landed and i got into the main airport terminal -- i realized that i left my keys behind in atlanta! argh -- after a few phone calls to my roommate in atlanta and various friends and family's voicemails, i ended up having to get a hotel for the night and wait for my keys to come in on the next jetblue flight the next AM! too much to go into detail in writing -- just a whole lot of frustration and wasted time. just ask me about it -- i'll give you all the gory details!

got really drunk on sunday night at the lonestar and the planet big party. hung out with my long beach pal mike and met a few of his friends. i had a blast and drank way too much. i think i ended up having a hangover BEFORE i fell asleep last night. i'm okay now. i felt really popular last night, though. interesting. oh yeah -- i finally met my (sorta) cyber-stalkee last night. i chickened out and decided not to say more than, "hello." i guess i'll just send him an email later on.

it's monday morning now and i'm here in kinko's. i just submitted my timesheet for the week (late, of course) and trying to settle down some *home* stuff until my flight out tonight. got a voicemail from my roommate that apparently one of our fellow crewmembers from new york is missing. something about the police retrieving his id and wanting to know where he is. we don't know if he's missing, wanted by the police or what. everyone is worried. hopefully we'll find out what up soon.


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