Friday, July 16, 2004

Friday once again ... was sick earlier on, but I'm over it again ... sorta.  Just a little plegmmy (sp?) cough.  Yum! 
Finally moved into my new place.  I can actually say it's really *nice*.  I have my own room once again.  Sleeping in my own bed.  Having the opportunity to be able to close my door when I want to be alone.  Come to think of it -- I haven't had that luxury in more than a year since I left the DC area the spring time before last.  Wow.  The space is great; a 3 level townhouse/condo.  The new roommates are great too.  Both Collin and Josh are at the total extremes to what I am all about -- it makes for a good mix of people and personalities.  One incredibly interesting year to say for sure!
Over the past couple of weeks I've been making new friends and such.  Moreso than ever before.  My circle of *friends* and acquaintances has tripled almost.  Kinda cool considering my geeky past.  A-list, not necessarily, but definitely not your normal run of the mill crowds.  :-)


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