Monday, September 11, 2006

Moving On

This weekend was pretty much the start of me FINALLY getting myself in the direction of a positive change in my life. As of today-ish, it is officially the beginning of the 7-month mark since I quit my job at JetBlue. In the meantime, I've pretty much done a whole lot of "nothing", yet seemingly "everything" depending on your point of view. The results of which have amounted to me just turning 38 years old, barely surviving on a part-time job, spending all of my savings, and finally succombing to moving back to my parents' home in the suburbs because of my inability to afford rent! Oh yeah -- let's not forget the sprinklings of "friends" issues that I seem to get myself tangled into here and there [Let me gather my thoughts on that for a later posting ...].

Wow. You can only ask yourself, "Where to from here?" I'm not sure if this is actually rock bottom for me, but the these changes that I talk about basically involve moving and finding a new career! If only it were that easy ... to make a blog entry that made any sense! LOL. This is a thought that is definitely to be continued ...


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