flying high. flying NOWHERE. errm -- literally. woke up late today to fly down to fort lauderdale for a work meeting. i was able to finagle transportation on us airways with a connection in charlotte, nc. i get there in time, but little do i know, the city and airport are in the middle of a major SNOWSTORM! planes were arriving slightly delayed (just a few minutes) at that time and my connection flight was ready to board right about the time we were scheduled to leave. that part was okay. what was the killer from my whole ordeal, was that we eventually left the gate about 1/2 hour to 45 minutes after our scheduled departure. once we pulled off the gate, we were in queue for de-icing which took almost 3 hours! it's a little more dramatic than that, but needless to say -- i missed my afternoon meeting with my boss and ended up arriving in fort lauderale around 4pm. that is 6+ hours after my original plans called for! oh yeah-- i had to turn right around and flight back by 6pm! i spend the entire day flying and getting nowhere. productive, eh?
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