Wednesday, April 21, 2004

329 am Tuesday 4/21 ~ somewhere over utah (i think)

Another long distance weekend. Just flew back into Oakland to get some clothes and stuff. The big move is still progressing albeit just really slowly. I think on this leg I was able to fill up my suitcase with normal "business casual" clothes. You never know when you will need it - jeans and t-shirts will only go so far, right? Oh yeah - I brought more shoes too!

Thank goodness this flight back to IAD is booked only to 75+ customers. My flight on Friday was booked solid and I actually had to jumpseat. Not fun especially on a transconinental flight. I technically would have had a seat but there were other standbys listed ~ a party of two (a man and his 5 year old daughter). There was only one seat left and of course instead of splitting them up or making the man be late for work I was the better/good person and let them have my seat. Let's see how far that gets me, right?


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