Wednesday, November 27, 2002
today sucked. the weather was bad. we had delays at the boarding gate tonight. had baggage issues. hopefully this isn't going to be a hint of what is to come this coming week and holiday travel season in general. our one year anniversary at dulles airport is coming up. i can't believe it -- it's been a whole year and then some for us. i'm glad we're still around!
Monday, November 25, 2002
sleep is a wonderful thing. went out last night after work and met tony @ jr's. also saw franklin, luke and the rest of the gang there as well. i haven't been out drinking AND having fun with friends in a long time. don't know what time i got home, but all i know is that i just got out of bed at 5:30pm. oops.
Sunday, November 24, 2002
should i stay or should i go??? i've been here since about 6:00 am ... it's now 6:04 pm. they just had issues on this last flight and not to say that i came to the rescue -- they could've used the extra help because of some crazy customer issues (what else is new?). hmm. i am kinda hungry again. the loads are a little lighter on the next 2 flights. i want to meet up with my old roommate and friends at jr's tonight. i have the day off tomorrow. eh -- i think i'll GO! lol.
sleep is such a beautiful thing. i manage not to take a lot of it (on my own free will at that) for some reason! after working immediately after my all night marathon of sorts at work the other day -- i just about fell out and by the time i got out of work and into the car i fell asleep and woke up 2 hours later. powernap indeed! ended up driving home and decided that i was hungry and made a detour to chipotle. i love me some burritos! anyway -- i didn't get home until around 6:00pm. i woke up this morning around 4:45 -- oops. i was supposed to back at work by 4:30 am. needless to say, i was late.
Saturday, November 23, 2002
it's 2:35am and i'm still at the airport. you know you don't have a life when you get yourself started on a project purely on your own will and don't realize you're still at WORK and working on the said project 5 hours later! hmm.
since i'm at it -- i might as well go on about my day...
the computer system at the airport has been on the blink for the past few days. according to the 'techie' guys -- some kind of SWITCH problem. it was supposedly fixed today, but i just went outside to test out the system and they're not logging on! hmmm. not cute! we devised a 'plan b' of sorts if this happens it involves a telephone *hotline* where the ticketing agent calls into the back office and a fellow crewmember does the computer work in the background. the whole problem isn't our system per se but the unified shared system the airport makes us subscribe to.
i was thinking of going to nyc this weekend but i don't have $$$. i guess that solves that problem.
also had a conference call today with my BLUECORP team. looks like no big projects until after dec. 14 or so. ho - hum.
since i'm at it -- i might as well go on about my day...
the computer system at the airport has been on the blink for the past few days. according to the 'techie' guys -- some kind of SWITCH problem. it was supposedly fixed today, but i just went outside to test out the system and they're not logging on! hmmm. not cute! we devised a 'plan b' of sorts if this happens it involves a telephone *hotline* where the ticketing agent calls into the back office and a fellow crewmember does the computer work in the background. the whole problem isn't our system per se but the unified shared system the airport makes us subscribe to.
i was thinking of going to nyc this weekend but i don't have $$$. i guess that solves that problem.
also had a conference call today with my BLUECORP team. looks like no big projects until after dec. 14 or so. ho - hum.
Monday, November 18, 2002
i've got way too much time on my hands ... this is the last posting for the day, okay???
just wanted to officially put my revamped (and oh so 'simple') website back online again. it's always been up and running -- just had to make some minor changes and stuff. it took me the majority of the day today to make sure it looks halfway decent. been having weird connectivity problems on yahoo geocities (my host) but it's all good ... for now. there's a direct link to this, my weblog, as well as my online photo albums of places i've been too, a guest book feature and that's it!
just wanted to officially put my revamped (and oh so 'simple') website back online again. it's always been up and running -- just had to make some minor changes and stuff. it took me the majority of the day today to make sure it looks halfway decent. been having weird connectivity problems on yahoo geocities (my host) but it's all good ... for now. there's a direct link to this, my weblog, as well as my online photo albums of places i've been too, a guest book feature and that's it!
oh no -- just read over my last posting -- note to self: try not to sound so self indulgent. "me, me, me ..." oh well -- these are just various rants and raves, right???
was off all day -- today is technically my 'sunday' - did nothing really except watch tv, do laundry, and clean my room. hmm -- that was actually a lot. below is a before and after shot.

i guess i did A LOT. then. :-)
it's amazing how much shit i really have. i've got so many left overs from my banana republic days -- many of which still have tags on and don't fit of course! ugh. i'm fat. i'm going to fit into those tight short sleeve shirts by the summer if it makes or breaks me! woo-ha.
i'm going to try to make it to work before 9:00am tomorrow. not having a car sucks big time. the 2 hour bus ride from the burbs is just oh so glamourous. it wouldn't be so bad if i lived in nyc per se, but then again ... i don't live in NYC!!!
i'm just going to end the night an download stuff -- might as well take advantage of the DSL / broadband while i'm at home, eh? after all -- i am paying about $50/month for the honor.

i guess i did A LOT. then. :-)
it's amazing how much shit i really have. i've got so many left overs from my banana republic days -- many of which still have tags on and don't fit of course! ugh. i'm fat. i'm going to fit into those tight short sleeve shirts by the summer if it makes or breaks me! woo-ha.
i'm going to try to make it to work before 9:00am tomorrow. not having a car sucks big time. the 2 hour bus ride from the burbs is just oh so glamourous. it wouldn't be so bad if i lived in nyc per se, but then again ... i don't live in NYC!!!
i'm just going to end the night an download stuff -- might as well take advantage of the DSL / broadband while i'm at home, eh? after all -- i am paying about $50/month for the honor.

What's up with eBay blocking my account for non-payment of $1.00?!? Ugh -- it's just a seller fee for a cd I put up for auction. You'd think that with all of the information they ask you just to get signed up, they'd tell you if your missing something or there would be a problem with your account. Ugh. :-(
finally got it working! yayyy. anyway -- you can read my other postings on my livejournal sight. just click here. for now on, i'll be posting directly to this link, okay>