Monday, August 29, 2005

Its my birthday!

Hardly the highpoint of anytime of the year, but the marking of another milestone in my life. That is, I was born 37 years ago! A scary thought to some. An amazing to others I can only guess. I tell just about everyone what a depressing time it is for me this time of year, but its really just me saying something to offshoot the fact people can't believe how old I am. ''What? I swear you don't look a day over .'' is the general comment I get when I reveal my true age. A blessing in disguise? I don't know. Maybe its more of a sign that I don't act my age. LOL. In honor of my *birthday*, I went to San Francisco to hear one of my favorite dj's spin. Peter Rauhofer made an appearance at Mezzanine and it probably was one of best all time club experiences ever. Really! All of the best things you could ask for just fell into place. Great company (with Mike *Touched by an Angel* Lake, my maniac club music fiend and part-time partner in Thursday night shenanigans). Great music (spun by Peter). Great club (Mezzanine). Most of all, the right kind of people (that I find interesting ~ bears n' things that can actually dance). I actually got attention! Ha!!! I'm so critical when it comes to the last comment about myself, but that is just something that I still have to *fine tune*. When it comes to my social interractions with people I just don't know how to read people when it comes to that. San Francisco is the only place that I can actually call it out and notice. I really have no idea why. We'll just leave that comment at that for now. I'm on the verge of sounding pitiful. Yikes. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!

Friday, August 19, 2005

Believe it or not...I'm not easily shocked.

Scared or startled is one thing, but it takes a lot to really *shock* me. I'm just waiting here in front of the airport for my bus ride home and I see this woman (not too young, but not in her 20's) run up to a middle aged man and immediately embrace and hug like they've apart for a while. They kiss. Again, nothing out of the ordinary. As I proceed to look up and just notice the goings-ons, the lady grabs the man's crotch! I look into her eyes and she has this *look*. A verrrry *happy look*. Hmm, I wonder what they're gonna do when they get home. Better yet, what's gonna happen in the parking lot...

All-in-all, nothing to really be surprised at, but I was actually embarrased to notice it all. I'm totally pondering about this too much, I'm sure. I do this kind of stuff all too often. I pay mind to literally almost EVERYTHING, yet *appear* not to care or notice. It's such a bad thing too. I'll eventually find a way to vent it out later. Sometimes the outcome ain't all that cute either. Okay- back to my i-pod. The bus started to leave for the metro.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

post GSP shenanigans

Sitting here in the Greenville-Spartanburg airport restaurant. Just had my *country* breakfast of eggs over easy, bacon, GRITS, and toast. Mmm. Mmm. Good!

Had a ball with Nate. We just hung around his new (and quite beautiful at that) and spent some QT together. After he picked me up, we went to a Sonic Burger - a first for me. We then took a mini tour of his little suburbia. Apparently the key is to go shopping in the local Big Lots and Goodwill. FO' RIL DOH! He found some nice housewares and such there. Too bad it's not the same thing back in DC. I'll be definitely coming back. After last week's fiasco with the gang going against each other it was nice to be in a un stressfull environment albeit me, Nate, manhunt, and the trick that was waiting for him at his house while he dropped me off at the airport! :- )

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


Wow. I just got off a flight to GSP. Independence Air #1852. I'm in the south -- I'm also one of the very few non-white persons on the plane too. He was asian. Oh yeah- he was the pilot too!

Monday, August 15, 2005

The start of this whole BLOG thing was just give a record of what happened in my daily life. A testament to a whole lot of nothing, yet important enough to document. I've come into my various moods and different levels on how involved I want to into this little *project*. Right about now I'm feeling a bit bursting with information. So here it goes....albeit disjointed and a bit *sketchy*... (what else is new?)

Not unlike most of my Monday mornings - I have spent most of this past Sunday night not sleeping from the night before. As a matter of fact, I have been *awake* for most, if not all, weekend. This is a fact. Was it self induced and/or prescribed? Yes. Am I hating it and wondering why I didn't call in sick today?? Oh yes! Could I have decided to not do any *shenanigans*? Most definitely yes!!! The reason why I bring this all up is because I wanted to stress how we are all responsible for our own actions. Forget the who's, what's, when's, where's and why's. It all boils down to I find myself doing ridiculous things like not sleeping and *thingz* because I put myself thru it on my own accord! I have no one to blame but for myself. As a result, I'm paying for it by coming to work tired and with huge, huge, HOOOJ bags under my eyes this Monday morning! Not a pretty sight, but, hey! I'm being responsible and owning up to it all by going to work like I should. This is an example of identifying a problem and trying to resolve it. TRYING, that is, being the key word. I have this penchant for acting up on weekends and suffering on the tail end of it simply exhausted all the time. Do I do anything to remedy the problem? Of course not! I'm right there ready, willing, and able to start it all over again by the time the weekend rolls around again. Am I a trooper or what? (There is a point to this story...)

( be continued another day)