Wednesday, August 27, 2003

think i'm coming down with something. feels like allergies -- my eyes are watery, runny nose, and head congestion. blacchhh! the roommate is deftly ill as well -- at least he's away in orlando.

found out yesterday that i didn't get the promotion i was try to go for -- the supervisor position for my workgroup. it's okay -- just kinda bummed about it. my boss was being kinda vague about the whole thing though. we'll be finding out sometime next week on our conference call.

the weather here is apparently going back to *normal* -- cool temps and heavy fog / overcast skies in the AM's and then clearing up around noon. i think it's about 66 degrees right now here in oakland! it was in the 80's just the day before yesterday. that's probably why i'm kinda feeling a bit sick right now.

excited about going back to dc this weekend. it's my birthday this friday! i'll be 35 -- not sure if i should be excited or depressed.

Tuesday, August 26, 2003

just finished creating a new blog -- just something to document music i'm listening to. had to play with some html coding -- i think i got it right.
i can just NOT sleep. right now -- surfing the net and watching the first season of SIX FEET UNDER on dvd.

oh yeah -- on sunday, i hung out at the lone star and the stud and then to a bar called my place in the SOMA district. i think i'm slowly getting over the sf thing. well -- maybe not.

today i went back to the castro to get my haircut at a real barber shop. geez -- even that cost me $18 ++! argh -- this place is expensive.

Tuesday, August 19, 2003

i forgot to write that i 'cheezed' it up on friday night ~~ i rode the oakland-alameda ferry into the city. mind you it was the last one of the night and it was COLD!!! it was fun -- altho probably the most touristy thing i could have done so far here. no wait -- i did do the alcatraz-bay bridge boat ride last year. :-)

right now at the ticket counter waiting for people to check-in. nothing exciting yet.

been sorta 'chattin' with a few more folks on AOL lately. some of them are actually *liking* me. not that it's a bad thing -- i'm just not used to it. more later.

Sunday, August 17, 2003

spent the last couple of nights going out and hanging in the castro. having fun -- i just wonder when they're gonna ship me outta here. hopefully its not until next week when i have to go to new york for training. maybe i can spend my birthday weekend in dc and then off to nyc later that week. i guess i need to ask. meanwhile -- when are they gonna make that decision on the promotion i interview for? urgh.

it' saturday night/sunday morning -- almost went out again but i didn't make the last train transfer into town. i'll take it as a good thing that i'm not spending any more money.

Friday, August 15, 2003

okay, this is what i scored on either laugh or fall over, but i answered as truthfully as possible! uh huh!

today had a day off from work and spent most of it with drei. ended up getting our haircut in japan-town and then off to the movies at the metreon (saw tomb raider 2). i don't care what anyone says about this move and angeline jolie -- she is FIERCE! the part that worked me over was her side saddle romp on a horse with a shotgun. too much!

after movies, we scooted on over to daly city and spend quality time in FLIP-TOWN. it's amazing how many filipinos are here in the bay area. something that i'm STILL trying to get used to.

today was the big *black out* in the northeast. ugh -- since jetblue is based out of new york -- we're totally affected by it. luckily, though -- only one major cancellation. according to all press releases -- we're still operating but in MAJOR delay mode. that means that i probably won't have my 2nd day off for this week. oh well - work is good right? no work - no pay!

Sunday, August 10, 2003

just ended up working most of the weekend. i did, however, catch up with a new buddy -- drei -- went to a place called N-Touch and then to the End Up. N-Touch was a tad bit cheezy -- mind you, it's an 'asian' club. nuff said. the end up is apparently 'legendary' -- it was a blast! although a tad bit small and old, it had a great energy and vibe. a very mixed crowd and not a lot of attitude.

i wanted to go to the beerbust at lone star and the planet big dance today, but i couldn't get the night off. oh well -- there is always next week, right?

i'm really enjoying my time out here. hopefully this will be my 'home' for more than just a little while.

oh yeah -- still waiting on word for the promotion i applied for. urgggh.

Thursday, August 07, 2003

had my first REAL day off here in my new home. did some laundry -- going to try to clean up the apartment -- DEFINITELY going to go strolling the town. thought i'd be hanging out with some guys from work, but i guess not. we'll see. :-)

Monday, August 04, 2003

finally back in oakland. it's amazing that i've sort of officially moved here almost 2 months ago and that i've only physically been here for a little over a week! oh well -- i will definitelly start checking things out. yesterday mike s. from the station went with me to the lone star saloon. after that we went to some all nite tacqueria. yum yum. meanwhile, i didn't get home until after 4 am. the price of living 'transbay' from san francisco.

got back the other day from new york for that bluecorp supervisor position. i think it went well. we'll see in the next week or two ... or three. whatever becomes of this - it's all good. i seriously hope that i eventually find a way to work corporate in new york. we'll see about that as well!