Saturday, December 24, 2005

Merry Christmas!

[This pic was taken last year at one of the Temptation Tea parties. Although not necessarily a *holiday* pic, it appears to be very fitting.]

This time of year always gets me down. It's probably because I never have any money, but what else is new, eh? I should definitely count my blessings though. Considering the amount of dramas and assorted other *bad things* that happened to many of my friends this year, I pretty much have fared well ... I guess. Discounting my big fallout in San Francisco last year, my *homelessness* situation this past summer, and countless other entanglements in other peoples sketchy dramas -- it was a damn good year I say! :-) Kidding aside -- I'm alive, (relatively) healthy, and have an awesome circle of friends that regardless of the bad and good things that we may stumble upon, I know they always be around! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Has it really been about 2 months?

I get in these moods sometimes. Sorry -- in my world of a lot of *nothings* a lot has actually happened. It's gotten colder. I've traveled a lot more. Still broke as shit! Ha! This past week's chain of events (details which I'll just keep to myself) has just got me to thinking a lot about relationships and friendships and how the the ups and downs between them are just so unpredictable. Let's just say, this past weekend I was supposed to go down to Fort Lauderdale to hear my favorite dj spin (DJ Paulo, of course). Everything that could go wrong DID go wrong! I actually did go down to Florida, but the original set of people I was supposed to go with dwindled down to just 2. A little drama happened in between and I ended up going to The Coliseum alone. In trying to get this drama solved, we just ended up getting stuck down there because the flights were just full -- the only real downfall to free flying through standby passes -- you always run the risk of getting *bumped* [not in a good way, ha!] for paying customers. Needless to say, we spent the better part of Sunday waiting around just trying to get home. Anyway -- the point of this story is -- when and if i'm ever down and out -- i hope to have a strong group of friends to help me out in a time of need. I think i do.