i hate this computer. keep getting cut off and my posts aren't posting. :-(
feeling sick from the weather here in dc. nice to be able to be back home for a while, but i'm just dying from all of this traveling i've been doing lately. hopefully i will feel better soon.
partied last week with tony at velvet nation. manny lehman was dj'ing. the crowd was "light" but i had fun. can you say, "name the alphabet?" i will NOT elaborate. this weekend is junior vasquez. the MORE i will NOT elaborate. :-)
had a bitch of a day at work today. dual operations. bad weather. crazy crewmembers telling me how to do my job! some cuban bitch had the nerve to tell me that i was wrong with giving her a jumpseat on her return flight to ft. lauderdale today. she was checked in wrong from the beginning. there was no way or reason for me to be looking out for someone who was 'technically' not checked in. she ended up being the last one to be clear for a seat. since we were sold out, she had to settle for a jumpseat. whatever. too bad she was trying to work the cleavage and thong action on me. "honey, you be talkin to a fag! it ain't gonna work!" ugh. how annoying is that?