on the plane: 0820 hrs
I'm heading to
IBR in San Francisco on JetBlue flight 311 to Long Beach (and then on to Oakland). Missed our original non-stop flight -- I'm traveling with David L. -- one of us got *bumped* so to fly together, I chose this as our re-route. Everything looks good he rest of the way. It was nice to see the old gang at the airport. Today was the first time I saw everyone before my dramatic exit last week. I still don't know what I'm going to do with myself. I actually had to sneak away today for this trip. I don't know why -- I guess I didn't need to hear everyone ask me why. After all, I am still kinda sick. The laryngitis is still in full effect due to the STREP. I'm taking my anti-biotics so I guess it's okay. Hmmm. LOL.
I've been stewing over the reasons why I quit my job. In rationalizing both ways -- it was still a foolish thing to do. But I needed to stand my ground. All of that because I couldn't get to work an hour earlier?!? I won't say anything more than I guess I could have handled it all a lot differently. But then again -- after I collected myself after storming out of the office, it was officially announced that I resigned. Oh well -- no turning back, right? That's where the *pride* kicked in. Anyway -- I'm off on my vacation that I planned weeks ago. My first REAL vacation in which I'm actually investing time and money in the trip - not just a weekend away. Unfortunately I'm taking it during an unplanned *extended* period of time. I'll just take it as a rejuvination period. A time to recollect my thoughts. I've been telling myself that this will be my opportunity to get myself moving in a direction that will make me happy for a change. I was always stringing myself along waiting to see if something better would come along. The only real way up working out in the stations was to fall into a supervisory position. I definitely have decided to myself that I didn't want to go in that direction. Although I can do the "people" thing -- I really, REALLY didn't like the front line like that. In my admin position, I still had to deal with the crew in a one-on-one basis -- something that was ultimately even worse than dealing with the regular customers. As the station was growing -- another type of administrative supervisory position probably would have been created, but by the time the incident last week happened, I just couldn't take it anymore. In all reality -- I only kept hanging onto the job at JetBlue for the flight benefits. But in the long run -- was it worth it??? My parents relied more on them than I did.
As I said earlier -- It was so nice to see everyone at the station this morning. I was an old-timer -- one of the originals there when it started. No matter what -- I've made a big impact there. It was very evident that I was actually liked -- and, for the most part, I like most of the people there too! My mom, bless her heart, is actually searching for jobs in the airline biz for me. Whatever is in store for me -- I'm just too old to settle for anything less than what I used to make. The jobs she was looking into were at least a $10k cut in pay. I don't think so. I have some things planned -- in the meantime -- I just need to regroup. I've actually cleaned up my bedroom -- got rid of a lot of stuff that was just literally holding me down. All of that stuff that I accumulate over the years that I couldn't seem to get rid off just piled up and KEPT PILING UP. It got to the point that I had so many clothes and no time to put it away, that I was sleeping on top of (clean) laundry. It's mostly gone now. Kiwi gave me his old dressers from his apartment that helped me organize to a degree. Essentially what didn't fit in drawers went into a pile to get rid of! Surprisingly -- I actually have a clear head now. Go figure -- all I really needed to do was just to throw some junk away!