Friday, July 15, 2005
Did *shenanigans* last night. Just hung out with Mike Lake and got some new music (which I just uploaded to my i-pod). Snuck away to Apex for an hour or so. It was DEAD -- but really crowded with a lot of kids and deaf people!?! I was hot -- it was nice to see Keith, Barry, and Kevin. I just danced a bit and drank a red bull. My exciting life. Woo-haa. Ended up with Mike Lake for a few more hours and then I managed the trek back home. Had to take the bus because I couldn't get my new pin number right for my ATM card. Not cute. Once I got on (the bus) I had this sinking feeling that I was the only one who spoke English as a first language. Not that it's a bad thing mind you, but something that really hit me hard. Of course in my typical *morning* behavior, I decided to spread the word to most of my address book on my phone via text. Honey, I wurQed that keypad. LOL. Needless to say, after making fun of these people, I find out that the bus let out by the wharf -- a whole 5-6 blocks away. REALLY not cute. Hey -- that's what I get. :-)
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Freaks in the metro. Lord almighty. All I wanna do is get home. Don't need to get panhandled on the platform and then while trying to get on the train! Wow. I think I need a little nap before *shenanigans* 2nite!
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Im riding the gay train home! I just took a quick nap - like I normally do when I go home. I wake up and lo and behold... lots o' cuties going home today. :- )
Saturday, July 02, 2005
Firecrackers have been exploding non-stop outside the house for the past couple of hours. The echoes sound like gunshots. Its quite disturbing.
On the orange line metro heading home from the airport now. SKETCH-servation of the day: couples consisting of short shaved-headed bald guys and their *big gurl* girlfriends. Little guys always have big dicks, right? Yeah, that must be it!
I'm at work today on a Saturday to be *helping out* during this holiday weekend. Off all the days that I'm actually here as the other person, they actually have things under control. The flight loads are decent but not full. No immediate weather delays so far. EVERYTHING just seems calm. Wow. Not used to this. Maybe I need to adjust my schedule to be here on Saturdays now. Eh...maybe not.
Friday, July 01, 2005

Last bit on Paulo now ... the *money* shot baby!!! He took of his shirt. Wow. I was actually that close to take the picture too! WOW. :-)
The evening started right around 1:00am and then ended for me around 6:00am. About half the room was asian [very typical in SF]. They were definitely NOT liking me. Well actually -- I really don't know that, but humor me, okay? At least I speak English without an accent, alright?!? ;-) I was just bopppin' away all by my lonesone and I had the time of my life!!! You see, I've been *going through it* lately with the boys and the house and this was just a perfect thing for me to take a time out from all of the DC biz and thangs. The a/c is out and the temp inside the house is HOT. Of course my room is the HOTTEST in the house for reason too. My luck I guess. Anyway -- it was good to be away and to "recharge" to put it lightly. It was also nice to go out to the planet big party and have a few old tricks come up and say, "Hey! Where ya been." and all that jazz. I even noticed a few who I wanted to trick with as well. In anycase, the added attention from the *big gurls* was really nice in general. I need to get over myself and starting meeting new people and getting out of this crazy funk I'm in with dating. I have no idea why I persist on associating with the *pretty boy* / *circuit boy* / *a-list types* when I am clearly not that attracted to them. I mean -- I can appreciate a good looking guy like any other person, but I'd rather be around big ol' hairy bald biker types. Do I interact at all with those types? Of course not. I'm a mess. Right? Eh - I'm just a mess who know a lot of fabulous people I suppose. ;-)

Back to this past weekend. Did I say how much I like DJ Paulo??? Lies -- I just transferred these pix from my phone.
Still at Frank's. Mike is trying to fix his company's laptop they apparently forgot he has. If u tell me...he was MANHUNTIN' too much. Uh huh. He just told me of his own new york *shenanigans* this past weekend. I was supposed to help him drive up. He really needed it. Believe it or not, he somehow got lost in New Jersey, got his rental towed, got in a fender bender of sorts, lost his treats, found them again, hit his head on manequins, lose his shirt in public, and .... interract with police + able to get work done at/for the pride event!
I need to go home. He and Mike are now web surfing on his blackberry for some orginal specifcations for the laptop mentioned in the beginning of this post. That was 15 minutes ago. It's 4:25am. I gotta go.
I need to go home. He and Mike are now web surfing on his blackberry for some orginal specifcations for the laptop mentioned in the beginning of this post. That was 15 minutes ago. It's 4:25am. I gotta go.